Friday, December 18, 2015

How To Get Rid of Scab Hair

How To Get Rid of Scab Hair!

(Re-post from shared natural hair blog: Naturally Naturals)

What Is Scab Hair?

Scab hair is newly grown hair that is dry, wiry and crinkly. The hair follicle may have been damaged previously from using the relaxer. Scab hair can also be caused by mineral buildup from hard water. Scab hair does not represent the actual texture of our natural hair. It can take from 6 months to 2 years after our last relaxer for non scab hair to grow in.

How To Prevent Scab Hair!

To prevent scab hair from hard-water, buy a water filter for the shower-head or the whole house. A filter will prevent hard-water buildup on the hair cuticles and scalp. Another option is to wash hair with distilled bottled water.

How To Get Rid of Scab Hair!

It is recommended to try a clarifying shampoo first to clean the surface of the hair cuticles; however, if that doesn't fix the problem, then use a chelating shampoo followed by a moisturizing deep conditioner.
"Clarifying and chelating (pronounced kee-lating) shampoos are two types of cleansers that are often confused.
...Although many clarifying shampoo are quite stripping, remember that they are surface-acting and simply remove oil and product buildup that is superficially covering the cuticle.
...Chelators bind to dulling mineral deposits on the hair shaft and remove them in the lather. The ingredient EDTA (ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid) is a common chelating ingredient that latches on to minerals and removes them as the hair is rinsed. Sodium citrate and trisodium phosphate are other common ingredients in chelating shampoo formulas."
--Audrey Davis-Sivasothy, The Science of Black Hair

When Should I Chelate? And How Do I Use It?

Scab hair is caused by previous relaxing and hard-water. One of the signs of hard-water problem is uncontrollable breakage--no matter what you do, your hair just keeps breaking. Also, your hair does not respond to anything, but it needs everything. It's dull, limp, coarse, and lifeless. Because chelating shampoos are extremely drying, use it in moderation. Follow-up with a moisturizing deep conditioner.

Common Chelating Ingredients

Disodium EDTA, EDTA, HEDTA, Oxalic acid, Potassium Citrate, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Oxalate, TEA-EDTA, Tetrasodium EDTA, Trisodium EDTA, and Trisodium HEDTA (Source: The Science of Black Hair) 

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1 comment:

  1. Are you sure that the wiry feeling hair is scab hair, or it could be genetic? I've been in perms since 1 years old.
